I am not going to North Dakota cause the principal of Carrington High School only accepts exchange students for six months.
I really want this experience to start as soon as possible.
I'm sad, I haven't a host family. Seeing the other exchange students speaking about their american families makes me jealous.
These days sucked, i just want to forget them. Hope the situation will improve.
America, I have been dreaming of you for a lot of time.
I immagined to live in your big cities, to breath against the glass of a yellow taxi in NYC, to walk in the woods of Arkansas, to surf in California, to meet your people...
My dream is about to come true. If I had two wings i would fly, now. But I don't.
All I can do is waiting and make this summer the best ever. I didn't start in the correct way but it doesn't matter. I will forget what happened in these days and I'll go on.
I'm waiting for ya, host family
I'm wanting for ya, placement
Let me fly

Summertime sadness? no... don't worry, be happy
Quanto ti capisco...
RispondiEliminaParti anche tu quest'estate? :)
EliminaSi .. ma ancora niente famiglia.. :(
Eliminanon sei l'unica... tutti hanno la famiglia e io sono ancora qui a fantasticare :/
Eliminal'attesa più frustrante della mia vita... che brutta cosa.. ti auguro di riceverla presto:)