Okay guys, summer has officially begun and I couldn't be happier than I am. I don't know the reason why I am writing this post in English, I'm just doing it. When, in two years, I read this post, I'll think "oh my gosh, my English was so terrible and now i am bilingual!".
I think I'll remember this summer for a lot of time; something tells me that these two months, before my departure, are gonna be amazing.
School is out, I am free. I'm free from studying everyday and I finally can enjoy my days with my freinds. They are the best to be with and I'm gonna miss 'em too much!
In two days i will be going to the sea with my mommy... my first day at the sea of this summer.
My american life, my new life is about to start. That's so odd. I am not able to realize that in some weeks I'll leave all persons I know to go to a place where i will have to do my best to make friends and try to become a part of my new family (I don't have a fucking host family yet, I know).
Two days ago I was speaking with a friend of mine and I understood that not everyone can be exchange students, that an exchange student is someone who cannot live without exploring, comparing, learning about other cultures, changing...
My friend said I am very brave and that he would have liked to make this experience but he couldn't resist without his family and friends for a so long time.
"Yes, I'am sure i will make an expereince like this" he told me, "But not now. Now I don't wanna waste my adolescence".
In my opinion exchange students don't waste their time, they just leave open their life to live, for one year, another life. This new life will be full of obstacles but it will make you grow up, it will make you a world citizen.
We could be exchange students at university, yes... but is it the same thing? Living in a host family is totally different! you won't take the schoolbus at university, you won't cook the dinner with your host dad and you won't go to the football matches of your high school.
University... I am sure that i will do my best to get another scholarship to attend the college abroad.
I'd like to go to Japan or maybe to Sweden.
My life's goal is travelling so... what am i waiting for?
This post is certainly full of mistakes but I don't care. I'll write another post as soon as I have some news, or just when I feel the need to write.
Am I gonna waste my time? No, I'm gonna broaden my horizons...
Let summer 2015 begin